Are you moving too fast? Is it hard for you to invest time to look for room for improvement? Could you use a review from an expert?
We can provide an extra set of eyes and find your project’s main pain points as well as suggestions on how to solve them.
A 1-hour kick-off meeting would be necessary to get to know each other and understand the process of the company, project, and application.
If it’s necessary we are more than willing to do all the necessary paperwork to work in a non-disclosure environment.
We’ll work our review-magic on your application and codebase. The idea here is to avoid being an overhead to you. We’ll work hard and silently, reaching out if we need any extra information. And don’t worry, we won’t be making any code changes while reviewing.
Finally, we’ll share tangible results with you. This will include reports, analysis conclusions, and a list of areas of improvement.
We’ve seen the most talented teams neglect to work on things that would increase their development productivity on a daily-basis, fail to work around tech-debt, and even miss to spot high-security risks. They are great teams, but sometimes the momentum of feature development takes a toll on the health of processes and applications. Someone that can work on this outside of the development muscle can be of help.
We’ve got 10+ years of experience working with Ruby and have worked in a vast variety of projects with different tech-stacks and methodologies. This gives us the ability to see things in perspective and provide opinionated suggestions.
This is free and there are no strings attached. We want to do this as a small token of appreciation to the ruby community because we think it’s a valuable thing we can offer. Also, we love collaborating –both to Open Source and new teams– and we always learn from new company cultures.
See our ContributionsWe’ll only be able to take on a limited amount of offers due to our own team availability. If you are attending RubyConf and you are interested, please write to us at We’ll get back to you to coordinate how we can start.